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Create a node cohort

A node cohort defines skills and settings installed on every node in a cohort.

After you create a cohort, you assign nodes to the cohort during node enrollment, and Chef 360 Platform installs or removes the skills and settings on every node accordingly.


Create a node cohort

To create a node cohort, follow these steps:

  1. Create a file named node-cohort.json that contains the skill assembly ID and the settings ID it should be associated to.

      "name": "node-cohort-mchef",
      "description": "Description first cohort",
      "settingId": "5b305ea5-c89b-4ac3-a471-60dadf4980ed",
  2. Create the node cohort:

    chef-node-management-cli management cohort create-cohort --body-file node-cohort.json
    "item": {
        "cohortId": "86628101-0f31-48aa-b035-a8889232e568"

    The above command returns a response containing the cohortId. Save it for using during Node Enrollment.


  • Verify that the node cohort was created successfully:

    chef-node-management-cli management cohort find-one-cohort --cohortId <COHORT_ID>

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