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Register Node Management agent

The Node Management agent manages skills on a node. You must define settings on the Node Management agent before defining skills and override settings that are installed on nodes.


Register the Node Management agent

To register a Node Management agent, follow these steps:

  1. Create a file named register-agent-skill.json that contains the settings for Node Management agent to function:

    "bldrUrl": "<HABITAT_BUILDER_URL>",
    "bldrChannel": "<CHANNEL>",
    "bldrAuthToken": "<TOKEN>",
    "nodeCheckinInterval": <CHECK_IN_INTERVAL>,
    "updateSkillMetadataInterval": <UPDATE_SKILL_INTERVAL>,
    "logLevel": "<LOG_LEVEL>"


    • <HABITAT_BUILDER_URL> with the Chef Habitat Builder URL. Use for Chef’s Habitat Builder, or the URL of your own Habitat Builder deployment.
    • <CHANNEL> with the release channel from which to install the skills. For example, stable.
    • <TOKEN> with the authentication token for Habitat Builder. If you’re using Chef’s Habitat Builder, set this to an empty string.
    • <CHECK_IN_INTERVAL> with the interval (in seconds) at which check-in occurs. Value starting from 3600 (1 hr).
    • <UPDATE_SKILL_INTERVAL> with the interval (in seconds) at which skill definitions will be updated. Value starting from 3600 (1 hr).
    • <LOG_LEVEL>: The logging level of the agent. For example, debug.
  2. Create the skill assembly:

    chef-node-management-cli management skill update-agent --body-file register-agent-skill.json

    It returns the following response:

     "code" : 200,
     "message" : update-agent successful

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